Monday, July 21, 2014

Link Data

I've been thinking about something lately.  It's about the links between ideas.  For example, linking a character to a scene.  What if you wanted to attach a caption to that link?  For example, you could say what role the character plays in the scene.  Of course, you could put this in the scene or character ideas themselves, but the scene has alot of characters, and each character is in alot of scenes, so it could get messy.  If I could attach that caption to the link itself, then that would resolve the issue.  When expanding the link to look at the character, it could show the caption as well.  I'm not sure how I would display that in the UI, but it could be extremely useful.

As I thought this through, I thought "What if they wanted to attach some other kind of data to it, like a number or a picture?"  I realized that I can't restrict it to a simple caption.  I have to allow the user to decide what data to attach to each link, if any.  Each link will be a miniature idea, containing a list of fields.  However, this introduces some new complexity.  I might have to set some boundaries for it.  For example, the link ideas can't inherit.  And "maybe" they can't link to other ideas (since it's already a link anyway).  The rules are likely to evolve over time.  Hopefully this doesn't get too out of hand.  I don't want to bite off more than I can chew.

This makes Idea a bit more daunting, but I think it will be a really nice feature.  It will help keep things organized.  Anyway, thanks for reading!


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