Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Maybe in the Future

My girlfriend is now my fiance and my job title turned from junior developer to development lead.  Nope, no time for Idea right now.  However, I am ten times the programmer I was, and I now have a much better idea of how I'd implement Idea (no pun intended, for real).  Given the way I was trying to store and update data in Idea, I was basically reinventing the wheel and creating my own really inefficient database software.  Now that I've been drinking and peeing databases for the last eight or nine months, I realize that I could just build Idea around a database.  It would be perfect.

However, the problem is that I only know database software built to run hundreds of queries at the same time on a server.  I definitely don't need that, and I'm not sure what the solution is, but I'll find it.

I guess what I really wanted to say is that debt collection software is great and all, but I would love to finish Idea one day.  I really like the concept and I'd love to use it myself, to be honest, but I'd really need to flesh it out more before it would be useful to anyone.

Hopefully I'm able to pick this back up in the next couple years.
